Hello there! Now if you've been monitoring the BUAV website frequently, you would recognise the post tile 'The Ugly Truth' - and yes it's from 2 months ago, November 2010. Unfortunately, I have only found out about the issue, and decided to post it up now...just in case there were people who still do not know about the investigation.
Generally, a BUAV investigator went undercover for eight months at Wickham Laboratories, Hampshire and secretly filmed the treatment of animals there. And well I'm sure you all know how the video turned out - filled with inhumane acts...
Here's the link to go to the page which will give you in-depth information about the investigation...
So now you know NOT to use Botox! It's disgusting - in a sense that animals are suffering endlessly because of it, and in the sense the one would one to change how they look just to be 'beautiful'. Everyone is beautiful, it's just the media that's making everyone think that there's only one side to being beautiful. And plus I'd rather be beautiful in the inside, caring for animals, than be beautiful on the outside but having no heart for these poor creatures, right?
- Ayunie ;)